Zou je de foto’s van mijn blog willen gebruiken laat dan een berichtje in mijn gastenboek achter met je mail adres en het doel, dan kan ik je een origineel sturen, die je dan uiteraard kan gebruiken met vermelding van mijn naam en website........bekijk mijn nieuwe blog http://photanimals.blogspot.com.... ..... When words fail, music speaks...Look at the new page of Berry in her new free lance role visit http://writingberries.blogspot.com/ DO DO DO...

dinsdag 24 mei 2005

Be my guest

Hello evryone, I notice several hits from outside of Holland. Welcome to you all. I can understand while most of my posts are in Dutch that you do not know what I am writing. I can understand that some pictures and the text with that pictures might interest you. Well if thats the case leave a comment with that picture/text and I try to explain or translate it in English. Otherwise if you like a picture and you should want to use it please leave a comment in which you state that you do and I will mail you a picture in higher resolution. Be my guest.

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